About Me + How I Work with Clients

“Any deep healing, you’re my girl.”

Asma Kassam, BHK, CSNA, CFST, Stretch & Fitness Expert

Hello, you!

Thanks so much for being here. I’m an 11-year clinical psychotherapist & specialist of complex trauma and relationships. I operated my private clinical practice in Nashville from 2013 — 2021.

I loved my work as a therapist… but honestly, I knew I could create something more thorough and wrap-around. And I wanted to get creative, and to offer more of me in my offerings.

I wanted something deeply trauma-informed, involving leading methods like Somatic Experiencing®, polyvagal theory, attachment & parts methods,

and that also involved ancient, nature-based methods and badass Divine Feminine archetypes (b/c they really can show us a lot about hidden parts of ourselves)…

But something else was needed.

The more I’ve worked with womxn and other folx on healing the root cause of oppressive, enmeshed, power & control + narcissistic relationship systems,

the more I’ve realized that decolonization must be a part of the equation.

Working through the micro aspects of power and control (the nervous system & attachment) without looking at the macro… just no longer made sense.

So as a now-lifelong student of decolonization, I’m — messy step by messy step — incorporating this deeply into my work with clients.

Blending it all…

Out of all of this, my Rose, Raven & Roar™ Method of therapeutic coaching was born: Healing the deepest root cause of oppression-based relationship patterns using:

✔️ Somatic Experiencing® & polyvagal theory + other trauma, attachment, neuroplasticity & parts-based modalities

✔️ Looking at the true history behind witch hunts + all other systemic forms of oppression and colonization

✔️ Healing trauma by reconnecting with the Earth and the natural rhythm of the seasons

✔️ Calling forth badass Divine Feminine Archetypes and Guides (if it pleases you)

✔️ Emphasis on connection & togetherness: Reconnection with self, other, nature, land, ancestors, and your sense of Spirit

✔️ Activism & social justice

Let’s Connect!

There is sooo much more coming soon about my Signature Rose, Raven & Roar™ Method,

but for now, please feel free to connect with me by scheduling a free Zoom consultation.

I currently offer 75-minute 1:1 sessions, 90-minute relationship/couples sessions, and a membership for womxn. I would love to explore how we might work together 🥰

You should also know…

I’m a NON-judgy vegan animal activist + disability activist.

I will NOT give you side-eye for enjoying your chicken salad sandwich, but I WILL for parking in an accessibility parking space with no decal 🤯

Along with other types of activism for our earth and all peoples, animal rights and disability advocacy are especially close to my heart.

My beautiful partner of 14 years, Garrett, has CP, and seeing the world through his eyes has been devastating.

And I have a particularly fierce soul-calling to advocate for the truly voiceless — our animal companions.

So if you travel with me in any capacity, you will definitely hear me battle cry and call you to rally fairly often… k? ✊🫂

“After my toxic marriage ended in divorce, I was trying to fill the void through unhealthy relationships.

After working with Liz, I now have the tools to work through my feelings and share with my current spouse in a way that brings us closer. My work with Liz is one of the best things I have ever done for myself.”

— Former client

Trainings, Experience & Credentials

Master of Arts degree in Counseling + began practicing clinical therapy under supervision, 2013

Licensed Professional Counselor with MHSP Status since 2016 (TN #3477)

Worked with clients in the clinical mental health field since 2006

Previous & ongoing training in complex trauma, attachment theory, IFS (parts work), CBT, and somatic methods

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner in Training

Trained in EMDR Level II

Level II Trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples

Trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I help womxn heal relationship patterns & c-trauma because it’s what I needed.

And I had no idea how to do it, or where in the eff to even begin.

Me in 2009

  • Suicidal, panic attacks, 24/7 ruminating, suffocating shame, punishing my body with over-exercise, cutting, and food deprivation

  • Replaying chaotic loops with unavailable and abusive partners

  • Realizing that I didn’t know myself, didn’t feel close with anyone, and wasn’t sure if I had real friends

  • I only knew how to attach to people by pleasing/rescuing and over-giving.. being everyone’s therapist

  • Resentful, tired, isolated. Kept everyone at a distance because (I only know this now) I was afraid of intimacy

  • Resilient, strong as hell, grounded enough, and determined

Me in 2024

  • I know, love, and trust myself more than I ever thought I could

  • Building my dream business and knowing I’m worthy of doing so

  • Feeling love, groundedness, & belonging in my body, spiritually, and with others; finally feel part-of

  • Pinching myself daily re: the deep, reciprocal, life-giving love and connection with my 14-year partner, sisters, and circle of community

  • Very much still a work in progress, but knowing how to deepen in relationships & grow intimacy; debunked the myth that relationships get boring over time

  • Feeling ever-more confident in my boundaries and discernment.. trusting my inner compass

  • Able to know myself and be known by others I feel safe with (freaking HUGE for me)

How I did it

  • THERAPY.. lol. Different kinds of therapy (parts, talk, somatic) with practitioners I felt safe with helped me understand my patterns, where they came from, and how to shift them through love & unconditional acceptance

  • Knowing that messiness and imperfection is the only way through it (phew..)

  • Lots of somatic work and integration (rest) time.

  • Lots of nature and re-attuning with my biorhythm rather than my trauma rhythm.

  • The power of relationships themselves. Finding safe people who are committed to the work allowed us to deepen both into ourselves and each other

  • Decolonization and returning to my ancestral roots.. and being astounded at how much LOVE there is in this work.. 🤯

  • Nervous system regulation tools

Me and my pretty angel

The Most Healing Relationship Ever

Together 14 years as of 2024, Garrett and I are living proof that relationship patterns absolutely do heal.

  • We’ve projected sooo many of our old relationship wounds onto each other. By being responsible for ourselves and committing to showing up for each other in new ways, we continue re-writing our attachment scripts, allowing us to be more of who we are, and to love each other and our friends more fully

  • We are each other’s biggest supporters, constantly cheerleading each other to grow into the most authentic versions of ourselves

  • Debunked the myth that relationships get duller over time. The deeper we go, the more passion & connection gets rejuvenated.

  • Complete acceptance that the work is messy, no expectation of perfection (secure attachment requires repair and attunement, not perfection, thank goodness…)

Why I Do What I Do

I teach relationships because they’re the most important things to me.

I know how excruciating it is to be so disconnected from yourself and others that you feel empty, hollow, and like you don’t exist.

Having seen the healing power of relationships themselves, as well as the power of brain & body-based modalities, helping womxn and other folx heal their relationship patterns on the deepest nervous system level has become my absolute life’s purpose.

The Results

I have heard every single one of these from my clients:

  • Able to have a relationship capable of deepening, even after decades-long abusive marriages & toxic relationships

  • Able to set and hold boundaries, even with family!

  • Able to untangle from old family messages, all while still loving their family with boundaries

  • Able to trust in themselves and their voice, often for the first time.

  • Befriending their inner child & understanding what unconditional acceptance actually feels like

  • Able to make genuine friendships for the first time.

  • Feeling HOPEFUL for the first time that they can absolutely shift their patterns


I would love to connect with you, dear one!

If any of this has struck your badass fancy, message me! Tap the button below and tell me how you can relate; tell me what’s showing up for you.. tell me everything!

Contact us!

If you have any questions, send us a message!
